• For your private session, a deeply sacred and loving space is created for you, where your feeling and healing blossom from your awareness, your conscious heart and your body’s messaging systems. While intuitively facilitating you in your healing, personal growth and foundational processes, we open paths that light new ways of living that feel heart centered, loving, peaceful, devotional, inspiring and exciting!  
    We address the wholeness of you. All of you. The divine unified you.

  • Additional Private Session Options
    Online & In Person Classes
    Online & In Person Events
    Sacred Sound Offerings
    & Mentorships

    Coming Soon!

  • Let’s connect!
    While my website is in a space of re-creation,
    please feel free to reach out to me with any questions regarding sessions, classes, events, sound offerings, mentorships, or gift certificates.

Client Illuminations

  • I feel a profound shift occurring within me. It is as though every cell in my body is being bathed in healing energy, facilitating a deep sense of relaxation and rejuvenation.

    Karianne Elisabeth

  • My session with Aanya was one of the most transformational experiences I’ve had so far in my life. I certainly do recommend her services to anyone experiencing physical body discomforts/pains, emotional distress, or needing to just simply receive clarity and 
“feel back on track”. She helps you to return home to yourself.


  • My experiences throughout my many sessions with Aanya have been nothing short of magical. She is in her heart’s presence with each session and I feel so incredibly safe with her.


  • In our time together, I felt an energetic harmonization throughout my physical, emotional and spiritual bodies and a calling back of life force energy. I am profoundly grateful for our time together, for the loving, nurturing and supportive space Aanya holds and for how she shares her multidimensional gifts to uplift humanity

    Emily Ghosh Harris