
Quantum & Multidimensional Healing
Vocal & Sound Healing

“Sound as you are…”
Your Soul Song

A personalised sound recording created in a professional recording studio.
This includes a 30 minute session prior to the recording, and a 30 minute session after.
delivered as a digital file


To learn more: click here
to visit my sound page
15 Minute Complimentary Consult:
click here

“Sound as you are…”
Your Inner Sacred Sanctuary

A personalised sound session with vocal toning, crystal singing bowls, crystal lyre & chimes.

60 Minutes
in person

To learn more: click here
to visit my sound page

“Sound as you are…”
The Consciousness of Your Organs

Personalised sound meditations with vocal toning, crystal singing bowls, crystal lyre, and chimes tuned to specific
Hz frequencies for primary organs & related systems.

In Person
15 Sessions @ 90 Minutes Each

To learn more: click here
to visit my sound page
15 Minute Complimentary Consult:
click here

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Sessions - QHHT

Coming Soon!

In Person

Quantum & Multidimensional Healing Session

60 Minutes of Calm
Nervous System Nourishment
In Person

To learn more:
click here to visit my healing page

Quantum & Multidimensional Healing Session

60 Minutes of Calm
Nervous System Nourishment
Remotely on Zoom

To learn more: click here
to visit my healing page

Quantum & Multidimensional Healing Sessions

90 Minutes of Well-BEing
In Person

To learn more:
click here to visit my healing page

Quantum & Multidimensional Healing Sessions

75 Minutes of Well-BEing Remotely on Zoom

to learn more: click here to visit my healing page

Quantum & Multidimensional Healing Session for Pets

Initial Consultation & Healing Session for you Pet

60 minutes
Remotely on Zoom


Quantum & Multidimensional Healing Session for Pets

Follow up Session & Maintenance

An Initial Consult & Healing Session must be initiated prior to this follow up session.

30 Minutes


Quantum & Multidimensional Healing Sessions

Follow up Session & Maintenance

An Initial Consult & Healing Session must be initiated prior to this follow up session.

15 Minutes


May you know, love & trust yourself as you feel whole in your healing and come home to your heart