About Me

I LOVE and enjoy hearing someone share their experiences in how they’ve traveled on their path, what they’ve discovered within themself, and how they’ve cultivated into who they are now.
The preciousness of life is in HOW we choose, value, live, and love.
So, here I flow…..in my embodiment of all that I am.

Originally born in Michigan, I grew up in Illinois, then moved to Arizona at the age of 11.
This was an impactful move at this age. With the move, I was now entering a landscape of cactus and mountains with a scorching heat like nothing I’d ever experienced before! As I grew up, I learned to love this profoundly gorgeous state and all its offerings.

In my teen years, I was what many refer to as a highly intuitive empath. There are many theories with this concept, and yes…I came in this way AND I adapted in this way with my very unpredictable childhood. Throughout the years, I realized that I received information through auditory messaging, sounds, light, music, visions, a very clear sense of knowing, a clear sense of physical energies and vibrations. I could feel the energy of someone and their emotions when they were not in the vicinity, as well as smelling distinctive smells without a surrounding valid source and then, occasional premonitions.

In my mid-twenties, I began to work at a health food store. In my 17 years, I learned so much about people, and my education accelerated quickly. I became knowledgeable with nutrition, food, herbs, homeopathy, flower essences, and more. My scope of knowledge expanded in different healing modalities, and while this was happening, I began to recall my past lives as a healer.

While I have always been very sensitive to others’ pain and energy fields, I began to experience something new as customers would walk into the store. I could see and/or feel their emotional pain with an energetic attachment to a body part or organ. I could also see the reverse, as they would come in and share an ailment which I could visually see an emotional pathway and the surrounding effects.

As time moved forward, I became a Certified Usui Reiki Master after several years of devotional training. I was a student of Shamanic ways and teachings. Shamanic teachings felt natural and familiar and were a foundational process for me. Embracing this involved deep, ongoing spiritual developments that were a part of my beingness for many years and continue to be so. From soul retrievals, journeying to different worlds, developing a deeper relationship with my heart, receiving visions, wisdom initiations, relationships with nature beings and elements, I dove into disharmonious patterns—all without psychoactive substances or plant medicines. This was not my path, as I was receiving the most expansiveness in complete coherence.

I chose to re-direct my life after almost 30 years in the retail and service industry and made a conscious decision to begin my healing practice. In this new endeavor, I knew it would require courage, as I was stepping into the unknown realm of self-employment as a Reiki Master & Multidimensional Healer. A wild ride!

In the beginning of 2022, a personal life altering event occurred, and I was immediately drawn to purchase crystal singing bowls. I had been vocally toning on occasion during sessions, and began to discover how beneficial it was to “unlocking” blockages. After purchasing the bowls, I began to tone while playing. Throughout this experience of toning with the bowls, memories unfolded. I remembered myself as a child…seeing through my own eyes, and hearing myself toning. I remembered the sounds coming through me as I sang them…a vocal translation of what I would hear.
At that age, I just thought I was singing to what I was hearing in my mind.
Now, I realize that the tones I was singing were facilitated for healing and soothing my nervous system during my young years of trauma.
What unfolded was miraculous. It’s as if I was a child again, healing those fragmented parts of myself that had been hiding for so long. I was finally home within my heart and within my body.
Harmonic vocal toning through crystal singing bowls is now one of my highlighted healing modalities. The toning comes through as a harmonic channeling, and the results are consistently miraculous.
I conduit sound, light, and the pure frequency of love ~ cosmic and celestial love.

As a multidimensional healer, I offer many modalities for a beautiful and organically facilitated process by assisting in balancing the nervous system. This opens new pathways for conscious awareness while collaborating with the energy centers, meridians, nadial system, discordant patterns, and above all else, the divine and precious heart – which acts as a conductor to all that exists within. We are supporting a path of divine wholeness - spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally.

While my soul’s unique blueprint, purpose and mission have evolved through five decades,
my heart has blossomed as I embodied the qualities of true and authentic compassion and the fullest expression of spiritual love and unity. 
I infuse all elements through the divinity of love, divinely accessing healing and creation. I assist those who are ready to know, love and trust themselves while feeling whole in their healing, experiencing beautiful changes within, and being in creation of new and divine potentials.
My purpose is to support you in your awakening, teach you how to access those spaces within that you’ve not experienced through inner intimacy, love, and knowingness. We bring you into complete coherence. Your inner wisdom and knowing is your lifeline, and I am here to empower you into remembrance, healing, freedom and divine love.

Love, Aanya