A testimonial is truly inspiring isn’t it?

To be a witness in someone’s transformation and to hear of their extraordinary experiences, in sharing who they are and what they’ve discovered within themselves is precious.
It requires bravery, inner strength and a willingness
to go where one may never have gone before.

The power of a testimonial is an ILLUMINED self-perspective
and shares the uniqueness of each person’s essence.

It is truly an honor to facilitate and I am deeply grateful for each beautiful share.


Client Illuminations

“Working with Aanya has been a truly transformative experience. From the moment I stepped into her space, I felt enveloped in a sense of unconditional love and support. Aanya's presence is infused with pure intention and generosity of heart, creating an environment where healing can truly flourish.

Aanya's voice is transcendent, and her skill with instruments creates the most beautiful, nourishing soundscape imaginable. As the frequencies interact with my organs, tissues, and cells,
I feel a profound shift occurring within me. It is as though every cell in my body is being bathed in healing energy, facilitating a deep sense of relaxation and rejuvenation.

Through her sound and energy healing sessions, Aanya has helped me tap into my own inner wisdom and strength, guiding me on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.
Her intuitive approach and compassionate nature have been instrumental in my healing process, and I am endlessly grateful for her support.

I wholeheartedly recommend Aanya Cerra to anyone seeking healing, guidance, and profound transformation. Her work is truly a gift to the world, and I feel blessed to have crossed paths with her.”

- K.E.

“My sound healing session with Aanya was an indulgent experience of my senses.
Her deep embodied presence in using her gifts facilitated such profound shifts in my awareness and in my energy field extending days after the actual session.
The mindful preparation, heart-based intention, and divine guidance she brings to her
healing work can be felt deeply, and reflects the value she holds for herself and sees within her clients. She holds such a warm, unconditionally loving space of acceptance.
Being embraced by her voice and singing bowls is like resting within the womb of a mother.

I felt my allowance of emotions to come forth. Here, my fears felt welcomed for exploration with grace. My session with Aanya was one of the most transformational experiences I’ve had so far in my life. I certainly do recommend her services to anyone experiencing physical body discomforts/pains, emotional distress, or needing to just simply receive clarity and
“feel back on track”. She helps you to return home to yourself.”

- Jennifer O.

“I'll be honest. I did not know what a multidimensional & quantum healer was.
Aanya helps me to feel good on all levels… physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
She helps me to release limiting beliefs and let go of old stories that no longer serve my highest good. Truthfully without googling, can I describe a sound alchemist?
All I know is she uses her beautiful voice to create lasting changes and often I can feel things move in my body. She always provides a safe place where all judgment seems to disintegrate, particularly my own at the start of each session. I would say at times it feels like being nurtured or being cradled in the arms of a loving mother. This allows me to feel comfortable sharing my deep secrets. It’s an environment where it’s ok to be vulnerable. She will meet you where you’re at and never forces you to dig deeper than your willing, as she has an uncanny sense of when enough is enough. On occasion if it is relevant she will share her experiences but unlike many other healers and practitioners. She doesn’t take over the session, where you end up feeling like you’re the therapist…you might be surprised with how often this takes place . There have been times I did not get the answers I thought I wanted but I always realized that I received what I needed. If you are sensitive to energy, you may feel sensations in different areas of your body as she works her magic, and for lack of a more profound word it is magical. Along with the healing she imparts many nuggets of wisdom. She has a way of conveying the truth that is way different than many. There is no air of superiority. A humble servant never makes promises other than to support your wellbeing.
The minute her radiant smile pops on the zoom screen I have an unfamiliar feeling of comfortability that I would describe as, arriving home.”

-Cliff C.

“I am in awe. I feel totally transported and transcended through all space and time. I keep seeing the color gold - in pyramids and temples as I listen to this. I feel my Hindi, my Egyptian and my Lemurian linage in this toning. My soul feels great peace and my eyes weep because of the deep inner joy - I've found a long-lost piece of me. The seraphim come in and surround me as they too wish to listen to my soul's song of peace. I soon drift off to sleep as my physical body is too overwhelmed to absorb the richness of this treasure. I awake feeling complete. I awake feeling deep love. I awake with a strong knowing that I can leave this earth in this (or any) moment, and all is well with my soul. I am complete, whole, and perfect as I am. 

As I listen again to the part where I fell asleep, I am transported to my indigenous lineages, Mother Gaia embraces me. I am held, deeply held in this and every now moment. She will cradle my earthly body; I am her child. 

What an incredible gift you have, Aanya. I am blown away by the power of this modality to connect so deeply with my soul and literally take me

on a journey of such deep innerstanding of my soul. So much of what of felt I can’t even put into words, I can merely “feel” that so much of my innerself is absorbing some kind of powerful healing, a soul healing. 

I am eternally grateful for this amazing session and I am excited to see what else unfolds as I integrate this session over the next few days.”

- Linda S.

“I first encountered Aanya at a group sound bath event. Her vocal & crystal bowl toning was the most sublime I have ever experienced. Her voice is amazing; it seems to come from another, better realm & pull you up into those ethereally lofty heights. When I found out she offers one-on-one sessions, I was excited to take advantage of that opportunity to have a customized sound healing experience just for me. You cannot understand how glorious her intuitive vocalizing is until you hear it for yourself. I have had countless sessions with dozens of different wellness practitioners over the years, and this was without question my absolute favorite. It's not just what she does; it's also the person she is & what she radiates.
I have never been around anyone who is so multidimensional yet grounded at the same time; her very presence seems to bridge heaven and earth. She is also a master at creating a physical environment in her treatment room that is so transcendentally beautiful, welcoming & nourishing that you never want to leave. You walk out a different person than when you walked in.”

- Ellen

“I love Aanya’s kind, playful and light energies and her healing gifts! She is very intuitive and facilitates effective healing with her many gifts. In a short session with her, my headache decreased significantly and my heart was filled with joy. She also provided intuitive guidance that was spot on. I came out of the session with her, and was giggling!”
- Arden S.

I have been seeing Aanya regularly, and I can’t even begin to explain what an amazing human she is! She is such an invaluable asset to my life, my mental health, and my spiritual growth. She has helped me work through some difficult past traumas, as well as empowering me to further developing my intuition. Her light, uplifting presence fills any room she enters immediately making you feel comfortable and serene. She is extremely compassionate and attentive, she listens and facilitates the most suitable healing for whatever my needs are in that moment. I trust her whole-heartedly and recommend her to absolutely anyone who is ready and looking for spiritual guidance/balance in their life.

- Cassidy

“I have been seeing Aanya for many months now. She is truly one of the very best people I know. I trust her implicitly. She is so full of light, love, patience & kindness. I came to Aanya following some of the very worst moments in my life. In facilitating with her many gifts, I feel lifted and supported. She has been teaching me how to resolve and let go of past traumas, all while embracing my own strengths. She’s literally assisting with healing the deepest parts of me. I’m in shock & awe. The more I learn, I find I am drawn to continuing what has been started. I am forever grateful. “
- Christine

“Aanya’s gifts are truly remarkable! The energy and frequencies she brings through in session are palpable and shifting on so many levels. She was able to attune to areas where I was holding onto resistance and help to create an opening for release and healing. In our time together, I felt an energetic harmonization throughout my physical, emotional and spiritual bodies and a calling back of life force energy. I am profoundly grateful for our time together, for the loving, nurturing and supportive space Aanya holds and for how she shares her multidimensional gifts to uplift humanity.”
- Emily Ghosh Harris

“I write this testimonial with heartfelt gratitude to Aanya, who is an amazing and inspiring conduit in my life-long spiritual journey. I’ve known her for over a year, and she has been working with me as a powerful, yet gentle healer. She skillfully listens and senses what’s needed within the body and soul. She lovingly and compassionately calls in guides, archangels, ascended masters, etc. to assist as she uses her extraordinary gifts and many tools. I personally love it when she’s called to Tone, it’s angelic! I always leave her sessions in awe and gratitude. I can truly say that in this past year, I’ve shifted into a higher vibration. I stay in my heart center longer, am more neutral, and feel much more joy and compassion even in these difficult, stressful times. And I can testify that Aanya has had the greatest impact in my beautiful shift. Thank you Aanya, and I look forward to even more miracles.””
- Sandy M

“My healing session with Aanya was so beautiful and beneficial. I had never had a virtual healing session before and was interested to see how that would work. I need not have worried. Aanya is truly gifted. She was able to tune into my physical, spiritual, and emotional bodies as if I were right there in the room with her. I could feel my energy shift and clear as she worked through the different areas of my body. She was able to sense problem areas for me and offer intuitive guidance that was spot on. I felt very good after the session and my energetic field felt much lighter.”
- Cathrine Cormin

“My experiences throughout my many sessions with Aanya have been nothing short of magical. She is in her heart’s presence with each session and I feel so incredibly safe with her. One of the many things I love about our sessions is that I am always left with clarity and a refreshed state of mind. Not only does she listen to what I have to say and feel, but also treats those feelings with absolute respect and grace. Rather than the simple self reflections that therapy brings, Aanya’s sessions bring a specific clarity that is not found anywhere else. It has truly been a pleasure to be a client of hers!”
- Alaire

“After seeing Aanya just a couple of times, I noticed immediate, positive changes in my energy. I continued to see her for several months and noticed myself opening to change I had resisted for years. Her energy healing combined with my willingness to see things through has created incredible shifts. This has positively impacted my life, helping me create balance and internal peace. I made it through some very challenging times and I have Aanya’s kind soul and energy healing to thank for that!”
- Deanna F

“When I first met Aanya, there was something about her spirit that was calling to mine. I felt an immediate connection that I liken to “knowing her forever”. Her presence and voice have a calming effect allowing for true openness to come through during her sessions. I would highly recommend Aanya to anyone that wants to release density and elevate their frequency. She is a true angel with a gift meant to be shared.”
- Kari Wilbanks

“Aanya is adept and powerful with both healing and accessing universal information! She is also kind, compassionate, and a skilled listener and witness, which makes her healing all the more powerful”
- Karianne C

“Aanya has an amazing gift for healing! She carefully and meticulously did an energetic scan of my body, I could physically feel her moving bad energy through and out. She was even able to heal my knee which I thought I damaged on a hike. It’s been feeling great ever since! She is an excellent healer on many levels. I highly recommend her!”
- Linda S